Basic English Grammar

Basic English Grammar - Free Notes and Chapters.


To achieve good marks in the BANK PO and any Government Job Entrance exams, it is very necessary to have a proper knowledge of the basic fundamentals and grammatical rules of English Lannguage. This section provides all students with the proper notes needed to prepare for all types of Government Job Entrance tests.

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Basics of English language Grammar. Its applications and use.

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Basic English Grammar



Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They give you more information about people, places, and things.


3.1 Kinds of Adjectives

Some adjectives tell about the size of people or things.

a big house       a long bridge        tiny feet


Some adjectives tell about the color of things.

a red carpet      a gray suit       a brown bear


Some adjectives tell what people or things are like by describing their quality.

a beautiful woman       a young soldier           a flat surface  


Some adjectives tell what things are made of. They refer to substances.

a plastic folder    a stone wall   a clay pot


Some adjectives are made from proper nouns of place.

These adjectives are  called adjectives of origin.

An Indian hat                          The French flag                      An American custom


3.2 The Order of Adjectives

Sometimes several adjectives are used to describe a single noun or pronoun. When you use two or more adjectives, the usual order is: size, quality, colour, origin, substance.


3.3 The Comparison of Adjectives

To compare two people or things, use the comparative form of an adjective. The comparative form is usually made by adding er to the adjective.


ADJECTIVE                                      COMPARATIVE FORM

dark                                                     darker

light                                                      lighter

high                                                      higher

low                                                       lower

old                                                       older

young                                                   younger


The Superlative Form

When you compare three or more people or things, use the superlative form of an adjective. The superlative form is usually made by adding est�  to the adjective.











      ADJECTIVE           COMPARATIVE               SUPERLATIVE 


nice                              nicer                                        nicest

close                            closer                                       closest

large                             larger                                       largest

rude                             ruder                                        rudest

safe                              safer                                        safest

wide                             wider                                       widest


Use more and most to compare most other two-syllable adjectives. You will also use more and most with all adjectives that have more than two syllables.


    ADJECTIVE              COMPARATIVE                   SUPERLATIVE


famous                         more famous                          most famous

precious                       more precious                        most precious

handsome                   more handsome                       most handsome

exciting                        more exciting                          most exciting


3.4 Adjective Phrases

Phrases can be used like single adjectives to describe nouns and pronouns.

Phrases that are used in this way are called adjective phrases.

Most adjective phrases come after the word they describe.


Look at these examples. The adjective phrases are in bold and the nouns they describe are in bold.


Who is the girl with long hair?

My friend lives in the house across the street.


Some adjective phrases come before the word they describe .

The words in these phrases are often joined with hyphens.

a long-legged bird       

a well-dressed lady     

a fun-loving teenager  


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