Bank Marketing - Online Study

Study Notes and Chapters for Bank Marketing Knowledge - Online Preparation for Bank Exams


Marketing is an integral part of every organization globally. No matter what position you are employed, you have to paarticipate in marketing activities of the organization. Same goes with the Bank also. Banking Industry without doing Marketing is next to impossible because of the cut thoat competitions among various Indian and global Banks. Nowadays every Bank checks out your Marketing Knowledge before providing you any kind of Job. This setion covers mostly about the Bnaking Marketing strategies in India which will be usefull to pass in the SBI and IBPS Bank PO and Clerical Jobs Exams.

Team - Laqshya ..

What you will learn

Marketing is very important and to score high in Bank PO and Clerical Exams of SBI and IBPS, you should have proper knowledge about Bank Marketing. In this section you get to learn :

  • Marketing Concepts for Bank
  • Improve your Bank Marketing Knowledge
  • Score high in Bank Marketing aptitude tests
  • Became an exeprt in limited time
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Marketing Challenges

1.       Marketing Challenges


However, the real marketing challenges arise from the institution s capability to design new product range for their customers of various segments. The strategy, therefore, lies in increasing the client base and consolidating the relationship with existing and new clients through existing or newly developed products. The operational aspects of strategies for marketing contain actions such as development of Relationship Banking, designing of effective delivery system, ensuring customer-oriented services and modifying the system into a personal selling organization. In western banking, officials assigned the job of personally contacting the customers and offering the services at doorsteps had been able to make a significant impact on the development of business for their organizations. The importance and role of personal selling and customer contacts in the marketing efforts of a banking institution stem from the success of such efforts in many banking institutions all over the world.


The implementation of the strategies is as crucial as its design in ensuring successful marketing. The communication of the adopted strategies to different tiers of the institution and ensuring of its proper understanding by personnel at all levels is essential for successful implementation of the strategies. The communication becomes difficult in organizations which have substantial branch network spread over a large geographical area. The field staff at the branch level should be trained to implement the strategies after modifying them to suit the environment in which they are operating. The knowledge of the local environment, demographic features and cultural aspects is an essential requirement for the field staff involved in marketing efforts for the organization.


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